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Have you lost who you are?

Without a doubt, the single biggest issue women come to me with is an empty feeling of having “lost who they are.” There are a number of life circumstances that bring us to this intersection of comparing who we see in the mirror and who we once dreamed we would be.



BIG Life Mentoring

Ever feel stuck in a little life? Overwhelmed and yet unfulfilled? We can help. A mentor to guide you and give you the tools to get more out of life, and a community of hundreds of ladies to encourage you on your journey. We call it BIG Life Mentoring, others call it life changing. Come take a look.



BIG Life Adventure Retreat

Clearly these girls are lifelong friends. Can’t you see the bond?
Actually, they met at RETREAT!
This is what happens in a BIG Life environment where you can stop worrying about what others think, where you can be your true self, where you fit in perfectly and experience the adventure of a lifetime together!
Please my friends, you absolutely MUST experience this. It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen. Anywhere. Period. And honestly, it happens at every RETREAT. Join us at the next BIG Life Adventure RETREAT and step into the environment you so desperately need!
(Payment plan available for your all-inclusive RETREAT ticket.)



A New Way of Living

BIG Life isn’t a destination, it’s a way of living. A life off the sidelines. Days no longer spent just enduring or trying to get through. BIG Life is not measured in how long we live, but how much we live. How much are you really living?


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Goal Setting System

New Year’s Resolutions have an 8% success rate. That’s just not cutting it. 92% chance of failure staring you down is enough to keep you from even trying. BUT, by making a few tweaks and

Operation Christmas Pajamas

Your family invitation to get involved. BIG Life has partnered with orphanages and shelters all across the US to provide new, warm pajamas to thousands of children this Christmas. Over the years I have discovered

Countdown to Christmas

Sharing our favorite family tradition. Wonderful things come in small packages and my children have found the countdown to Christmas is so exciting with this fun family tradition.  Our hanging Advent calendar, assembled from stretchy gloves,

30 Days of Intentional FUN

WHERE DID ALL THE FUN GO? Is it that we've forgotten how to have fun?  Are we just too busy? Have we become too boring?  Too uptight for fun? Or have we traded our childlike