Never Fine Again

Life will never be fine again. Never. It just can't go back there. Things have changed for ever. It's not fine. For every good thing God offers us, the enemy offer a counterfeit. That counterfeit looks remarkably similar to the great thing that God has offered us, but the counterfeit is always easier. Where have

By |February 11th, 2015|Categories: Main|Tags: , |Comments Off on Never Fine Again


Session 1: YouTude - The Birth of Attitude (11/2/14) Here it is, the session that has everyone thinking like never before.  It's YouTude, the Birth of Attitude.  In this session we ask do you have an attitude, how did you get it, is it serving you and how can you change it?  We also share

By |November 30th, 2014|Categories: Mentor TV|Tags: |Comments Off on YouTude