Pamela Crim
I am P to the A, to the M-E-L-A, but you can call me Head Mama.
I once heard you know what’s most important to a person by what they talk about.
Well, I talk a LOT, so I suppose I have a lot of important things in my life.
Or not … I actually have few “things. In 2012 we sold everything we owned and gave the rest away to begin living a life free of material objects and loaded with meaningful people and adventure. Yes, for real, we did that, and we still do that. We pack up our suitcases and set out on new adventures, showing our kids the world is big and beautiful, and opportunities are everywhere. Now our nest is nearly empty and our adventures will grow even BIGGER.
I’m the opposite of a loner. I like people. Lots of people.
But my favorites are the ones I take along on the adventures with me. Lonnie and I are high school sweethearts that beat the odds and made it. We’ve been through a life threatening stroke together (yip, I’m the lucky recipient of a blood clot in my brainstem at 19 that left me to learn to walk and talk again … Lonnie was the lucky recipient of feeding and shaving the legs of his new bride).
To keep things exciting we’ve lived in 5 states over the past several years, adopted 2 little girls from an orphanage in Mexico, and crossed the finish line of a few marathons together. I guess you could say we don’t do boring.
And that’s a really good thing, because our babies are now teens. Logan (19), Alexa (18) and Paola (17) – a rebel, a world changer, and one we can’t quite figure out. And to keep it interesting, we never know which one they will be that day. Darn they’re good kids and at the end of the day I’m always fortunate to be called their Mama.
I straight up love me some Jesus. Hands down, my favorite part of my job as a mentor is hosting a live devotional podcast each morning at 6:00. I get to help my listeners wake up, put their feet on the floor and rip into the gift of a new day of life wrapped in the rising sun … and I get to pour out the goodness of my Jesus. That little podcast has now grown into the #1 women’s devotional podcast in the world!!!!! (BIG Life Devotional)
I’m an infectiously happy lover of roadtrips and early mornings, a ‘stop and pick the flowers on the side of the road’ kinda gal, with an unlimited mental library of lyrics to any and every song (like for real, I have legit memory problems, but there’s not a song I don’t know … test me!)
Put that all together and that means if you like to hit the road early for long drives, don’t mind bugs from wildflowers and a tone deaf girl belting it out, I’m the perfect roadtripping partner for you. I call shotgun!
Can we put the top down?
Let’s have an adventure.